regional australia

How producing a conference on my own dime changed my thoughts on speaker payments (even though I’m a paid speaker)

How producing a conference on my own dime changed my thoughts on speaker payments (and my behaviour as a speaker) Producing conferences and events is not a new thing for me, in fact, I pulled together my first band night which attracted several hundred people at the age of 18. Through the years I’ve been […]

How producing a conference on my own dime changed my thoughts on speaker payments (even though I’m a paid speaker) Read More

The role of local procurement in building regional capability

Of the 789,645 businesses based in regional Australia a whopping 97% are considered small, that is employing 0-19 people (ABS, 2023). When someone decides to establish a business in a regional area they do so knowing (or just about to find out) they will face a range of challenges that will at some point impact

The role of local procurement in building regional capability Read More

Why it’s time to invest in rural social enterprise eco-systems

I first learned the term ‘social enterprise’ around 2009 when I was managing an Aboriginal Corporation and my funding partner had told me we had 24 months to make the entity sustainable. The entity was essentially a community centre i.e. an entity established to support the community and act as a conduit to valuable services

Why it’s time to invest in rural social enterprise eco-systems Read More

Reimagining the role of our main streets. Commerce or connection?

Of course there are some shining examples of thriving #mainstreets throughout regional Australia (#highlight them for me if you will in the comments), however, many of the regional town I visit are really struggling. Why? As Ready Communities co-founder Chad Renando and I have discovered as we’ve spent time in our pilot community, Kempsey NSW

Reimagining the role of our main streets. Commerce or connection? Read More

Trust | the core ingredient to working in the regions (and what that has to do with a good stew)

No matter what anyone tells you there is only one sure fire way to build trust in any regional community and that’s to keep showing up. Every regional community has seen its fair share of Johnny-come-lately’s who appear from out of nowhere, point out the obvious accompanied with big ideas and then  disappear just as

Trust | the core ingredient to working in the regions (and what that has to do with a good stew) Read More

Seven rules nobody will tell you about living in regional Australia

There is no doubt the culture of many regional towns (particularly larger towns and regional cities) is shifting. This shift has been happening gradually over decades as previous city dwellers shift for work relocation, more relaxed and affordable lifestyles. The sheer cost of living (and affordability of country living) indicates this will no doubt increase

Seven rules nobody will tell you about living in regional Australia Read More

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