community engagement

Reimagining the role of our main streets. Commerce or connection?

Of course there are some shining examples of thriving #mainstreets throughout regional Australia (#highlight them for me if you will in the comments), however, many of the regional town I visit are really struggling. Why? As Ready Communities co-founder Chad Renando and I have discovered as we’ve spent time in our pilot community, Kempsey NSW

Reimagining the role of our main streets. Commerce or connection? Read More

Trust | the core ingredient to working in the regions (and what that has to do with a good stew)

No matter what anyone tells you there is only one sure fire way to build trust in any regional community and that’s to keep showing up. Every regional community has seen its fair share of Johnny-come-lately’s who appear from out of nowhere, point out the obvious accompanied with big ideas and then  disappear just as

Trust | the core ingredient to working in the regions (and what that has to do with a good stew) Read More

Death by scones

I’m not sure if it’s a genuine testament to my social conscious or if it’s just a solid commitment to keeping my life challenging – whatever the reason, whenever possible, and particularly when running events (because they aren’t stressful enough right) I insist upon using local suppliers, social enterprise or otherwise curious businesses for my

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