

Kerry engages stakeholders who bridge community, government and business to identify their role in enabling forward motion on complex community problems and emerging opportunities.

Change is not always easy for communities. Kerry’s extensive community and economic development experiences have taught her that real and sustainable change is only ever realised when the community can own, and deliver their response to change. The success of this is then enhanced through robust facilitation, careful planning and support.

Kerry works at each end of the community change process giving value to a range of stakeholders who benefit both directly and indirectly through the delivery of Kerry’s services.

Stakeholder engagement

Kerry works across community, business, not for profits and government to ensure all stakeholders are involved in change processes. Her work in community and economic development has exposed her to a broad range of stakeholder maps which she regularly draws upon in her work.Read More


Kerry works with a range of stakeholders to facilitate a pathway forward. Her facilitation modalities ensure all stakeholders are heard and have input in mapping a pathway forward.Read More

Mapping forward motion

Kerry has worked with all levels of government, not for profits, Aboriginal corporations and community to understand and develop a range of community strategic plans, operational plans and regional plans.Read More


A certified coach, Kerry blends her skills in coaching, mentoring and project management to ensure actions are delivered in a timely manner simultaneously embedding skills that can be utilised for future projects.Read More


What clients say


Would you like to work with Kerry?

If you would like to work with Kerry, require more information or simply wish to touch base and connect, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Kerry is always looking to broaden her network as well as answer questions that potential clients might have.