Hi there, thanks so much for expressing interest to offer an online course on the Community Practitioner Academy site. A few points following to give you some more clarity about the offer and if you have questions, or want to get started please email me here.
The Community Practitioner Academy was established in 2022 with the aim of providing people working in the community sector with the basic skills needed to operate their not for profits and community organisations. Grant Writing is already live and there are more courses to come in the following months.
In the meantime, as some of you may know I’ve been doing a lot of work on building regional social impact eco-systems with the conference, Social Impact in the Regions as a centrepiece of this work.
Through this process I’ve put a few long held beliefs together (1) that every community has the resources it needs to thrive, we just need to put the resources together in the right way and (2) learning is a very powerful way to bring a community together.
So, since I’ve invested in the Community Practitioner Academy platform already I thought – why wait for my content to appear, why not see if others want to community build / teach / learn on the platform and see what happens… So – the offer came to light.
What you’d need to do
If you want to teach on the platform you will be 100% responsible for developing your content and all video, graphics, documents that go with it.
You’ll also have to load up your course materials to the learning platform, I’ll provide some generic tuition to assist you to do that but won’t be on call for support (you can send an email and I’ll message as time permits).
There will be quality control requirements which I’ll discuss with teachers who decide to move forward. This will evolve in time as will the overall concept.
You’ll need an ABN and will invoice my company monthly for your course revenue.
You’ll also be responsible for marketing your course, however some generic marketing will be conducted.
Included in the offering will be
- Course hosting for the first 12 months. There will be a small fee after the first 12 months but nothing before
- Monthly online course design tutorials
- All e-commerce system requirements
- Some generic site marketing
- Networking opportunities with other teachers
- A 70/30 split on course fees (yours is the 70%)
- There will be a $50 fee to set up each course tile as I will need to pay a graphic designer to do this
That’s it for now, let me know if you’d like to know more…